Why you can trust Shield Guard hand sanitiser

Can you trust the hand sanitiser you rely on to keep you safe? According to a recent exposé by a national news website, not all hand sanitisers are what they claim to be. A shocking 5 of the 11 samples purchased in Kwazulu-Natal and subsequently tested were found to contain less than 70% alcohol – including products available from reputable retailers.


Fortunately, you can be confident when you use any hand sanitiser product from Healthguard Hygiene Pty Ltd. Shield Guard hand sanitiser is manufactured according to WHO standards under strict ISO TS22002 conditions and consists of 70% alcohol, guaranteed. It was tested in April 2020 by Intertek Services Pty Ltd (Certificate No: 2018IS/TS/0415) for at the manufacturing plant on behalf of Healthguard Hygiene SA Pty Ltd. It also passes British Standard EN14476:2009.

Shield Guard hand sanitiser is available in both liquid and gel formats in a range of convenient sizes suitable for both industrial and personal requirements. Both liquid and gel formulations are quick-drying and suitable for everyday use as well as fragrance-free.

When we say Shield Guard hand sanitiser is effective against enveloped viruses and kills 99.999% of germs, we really mean it. Use Shield Guard and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that you’re keeping your staff, customers, students and other members of the public safer when it matters most. 

In times of crisis, we show what we are really made of. Here’s to President Ramaphosa, and here’s to our fellow South Africans. We fully support you, we are in this together, and we will do whatever we can to defeat this common enemy. During this time, we will be working remotely, which means that we’ll be available online and via our cell numbers for anything you might need from us

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